course materials:

soul journey deck + dependent voice deck + smoke stick + lizard skin oil +

channeling + mediumship+ psychic abilities

  • empaths

  • protection + “how to keep all the dead people away”

  • all clair abilities

  • tools: pendulums, cards, ouija board

  • emotional boundaries

  • psychic links, objects and programming

  • energetic cords

  • psychic attack + energy vampires

  • voice

  • breath

  • body communication

  • astral travel + obe

  • dreams


  • the different types

  • those summoned upon you vs those you summon yourself vs those that find you

  • angels, animals, ascended masters, guides, demons, earthbound human spirits, living human people, elementals, past lives, parasites, “imprint” spirits, poltergeists, “walk ins”

  • spirit vs ghost vs entity

ethics of it all

  • do not heal others without consent

  • do not perform release therapy for those who do not know it’s happening

  • why you don’t do without them knowing

  • just because you can doesn’t mean you should

  • clients will refuse to release attachments (sometimes due to spirit’s “control”)

  • however, if free will is being grossly violated, they are harming severly themselves or another, OR if they are now attaching you no permission is needed.

  • unattached earthbound spirits do not need to give persmission to be released

spirit guides + shamanic work

  • journey to guide for spirit work

  • upper + middle + lower world

  • soul retrievals

  • past life regressions (phobias, fears, depression, eating disorders, talents, relationships, traumas, reoccurring patterns, even physical ailments)

  • age regressions (and inner child healing)

  • bardo state + birth regressions

  • higher self + lower self + mask self


  • chakras

  • levels 1 + 2

  • using reiki for home clearing

misconceptions with the dead

  • spirit/entity/ghost = all the same to me

  • how we communicate vs how we perceive it

  • bed side manner + their response to our response

  • emotional boundaries

your narrative + language

  • neutralizing your vocabulary

  • how you speak about your experiences

  • you aren’t always the exception

  • energy isn’t good or bad—we assign that value

earthbound spirits

  • just how many of them are there.

  • they’re all ready here

  • 6 reasons why they stay stuck

  • trauma and how it affects them (transformations + demons) in spirit + in human form

  • regression therapy

  • children dying (joining with the body upon first breath…as consciousness is still forming)

  • 3 exit points of life

  • how they’re able to affect you physically

  • network of how they’re able to communicate with each other

  • releasing large groups of spirits at once in the vacinity


  • why? + how?

  • common cause of addictions, depression, and mental health issues

  • recognizing

  • agreements

  • soul part attachments (trauma forcing parts of you out of your body even in this life)

  • i + me vs you

  • the 3 questions + assessing

  • body communication

  • just because you get rid of one doens’t mean it won’t happen again

  • when spirits have attachments, have attachments, have attachments

  • you’re more likely to know when you have a new attachment once you’ve gotten rid of one

  • growing in self awareness and understanding your own voice

  • protection and what that really means (knowledge is power)

  • “i didn’t know”

  • removing from yourself helps you learn how to do it for others


  • are they real

  • how common are they

  • they carry heavy karmic debt

  • targeting specific groups + networks of spirits

  • you can get rid of them like spirit attachments

moving them to their light

  • there is always “a light” for everything. and they CAN see it.

  • fear of the light

  • how to get them to see it if they dont + inviting others to help

  • moving to death scene to help find the light

  • moving into a “spirit release session”

  • basic outlines for scripts

  • reminder of how to navigate regressions

  • mass releasing in the vacinity

  • set it and forget it techniques