our lower self is the part of us that drives our subconscious/unconscious desires. they are the part of us that we steer away from—as they’re responsible for our more unsavory bits. it’s so important to learn to hold space and witness what this aspect of ourselves needs—there is a lot of power here. how they drive us also aids in how our mask self is formed. ultimately, our lower selves needs integration…it needs to be welcomed back to us. it’s a “natural” thing we do to push them away. we don’t want to appear jealous, aggressive, greedy, vindictive, apathetic, or manipulative. however, we will not be able to fully embody our higher selves without the full integration of that lower self part.
just like with anything else we do, what we meet here has always been here. if we leave the compost out…it’ll not look so great. but at some point we gotta deal with it and pay the piper (as my daddy would say).
p.s. be aware, this part of ourselves is not always pretty….but you’ve got this, and once we spend some time with this aspect of ourselves, this relationship will shift—so will their appearance.