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homework due

session notes + monthly introspection activations (mia’s) are due.


work smarter, not harder people. you can still submit files or type it in…just scroll to the section you’d prefer to use.

homework is not considered 100% complete until all 4 of the required pieces have been sent in.

  1. homework is due before the end of each month—the due dates will be listed on the site each month.

    • remember that the site closes down 1–2 days before the end of each calendar month

    • all homework is due before the site closes down.

  2. do not group your session notes + mia’s together into one file—please leave them all as separate files/submissions.

  3. please label each session’s notes with the name of the journey/meditation

  4. label your mia with the month

  5. you may submit all work by either uploading the individual document files OR by typing them directly in the form.

    • there are two different links depending on which way you would rather submit your homework.

  6. you can submit your homework as you do it (my suggestion to keep y’all on track and also help me track how/when you do your work) OR you can submit it all at once when you’ve completed it.

  7. you only need to submit one set of notes

    • even if you do a single meditation/journey multiple times, you only need to submit one set of notes for it.

    • i don’t have a preference for which set is submitted if you do engage in multiple journeys.

    • if you feel called to send in ALL your notes, you are more than welcome to do so! upload them just as you would any other homework submission.

if you need an extension for your homework…

  1. please send an email to

  2. you will receive a new due date in the current month for the previous month’s homework.

  3. the extension is for the previous month’s homework and does not apply to the current month’s work.

    • if your new due date overlaps with other sessions for the current month (which they most likely will) you will still be required to complete the current month’s homework by the end of the current month per the original schedule.

  4. you cannot have more than one extension active at a time.

September 25

NEW MOON blended reiki healing

September 29

site closed for updating