We will journey to our very first guide—the one who has been with us the longest.
Our guides are aspects of who we are. They can be animals, human, a combination of the two…teachers, angels, and even ancestors who have transitioned before us. They want us to succeed, to love, to claim our power—that little intuitive voice we hear (and have heard for years) is them speaking to us.
They have dedicated their existence to helping us progress through our soul’s journey. And we have so many of them! There are guides for just about every facet of our lives—for relationships, inner child healing, or spiritual direction to start off. They are paired with us to help uncover our strengths, our power, our hurts needing healing. They give us helpful directions to look, show us places to journey to next, and encourage us to take leaps of faith. They are never far away from us—always connected to us, always accessible.
Most of the time, we have failed to realize that that voice we hear isn’t actually “ours” in a sense, but theirs. And we dismiss it just as easily as we do anyone else offering words of advice, love, obligation.
Guide work isn’t always easy when you’re getting started. It takes persistence and courage. It requires trust in yourself that you can hear the messages you’ve been hearing and feeling all along.
We will take this time together to journey and speak with our first guide—speak to them, ask them what we need right now.