this session is the only session that is not available after october. i never have left this audio up for permanent use. it is at the very direct instruction of my team. so if you want to engage in the ancestor walk, please do so before the end of the month as it WILL NOT be available for replay after october 29 when the site turns off.
this journey has always been a client favorite, but it’s not my typical session. we do things i normally tell you not to do. i’m going to be with you while we’re doing it. and i’m going to move a little slower.
heavy on the visuals—i am a docent on a guided tour where i am not normally called to guide you. instead, we will be using back doors i normally use when i meditate to get us there faster.
also, this is a linear journey. we are NOT coming back the way we came. once a door closes behind you, you may not pass through it again. but don’t be afraid!! we basically go in one big circle and end up back right here! more rules will be offered before the session starts.