questions for your guide to power journey

  1.  what is my relationship to power?

  2. what is my relationship to my personal power?

  3. what does my personal power look like for me

  4. what does my personal power look like to others?

  5. how can i learn to accept more of that personal power into myself?

  6. what is my relationship to other people’s power?

  7. what is a wrong knowing (something that i believe is true but is not true for me) about my personal power or power in general that i hold?

  8. where am i unconsciously focusing my personal power?

  9. where do i need to be consciously focusing my personal power?

  10. what am i missing here? now? in this moment? what needs my attention?

  11. who or what doesn’t need my attention or power that i’ve been consciously or unconsciously giving it to?

  12. what is my relationship to divine power?

  13. how much room should i be taking up? where, physically, in my life can i relate to that spacial? a space in my life that’s similar to that amount of space i’m supposed to take up?

  14. how do i hold my power? stand in it? what does that look like?

  15. you can’t really, truly, give your power away or have it taken away. but that being said, how or where or with who have you placed your power?

  16. who i have i “given it to”, placed my power with, consciously or unconsciously?

  17. who or what do i believe, consciously or unconsciously, has “power over me”?

  18. how do i call my power back? what does that look like for me?

  19. is there anything else i need to know? anything i’ve missed? any final messages?

  20. any homework? anything i need to do, practice, create, complete? or questions i’m supposed to come back for to answer?

  21. when do i need to return to turn in my homework?