What is TCC?

  • It is a spiritual life coaching site that is dedicated to deep spiritual healing through a variety of modality techniques.

    Our clients span many types of lifestyles—magical, muggle, religious, non-religous, and spiritual backgrounds and practices. You do not need to know or have engaged in any of the offerings we provide you before—we explain and guide you giving you valuable first-hand experience along your own journey.

  • At its core, it is an opportunity on the part of the individual, to find spiritual growth. TCC simply provides you the opportunity, the platform, for you to discover the healing you already have inside you. TCC do not perform healing services, we offer guided meditations and journeys that clients engage with in their own way, in their own time through first-hand experiences.

    There wasn’t a place where I was able to find all these types of offerings, especially together in one place, and for such a low cost along with the consistency of their scheduled offerings. This site addresses and fills that lack in our community by providing those opportunities as well as including the variety of alternative modalities for a reasonable cost.

  • This is not a place for love and light and fluffy gatherings. This is a place for hard work. This is a place for self-exploration. Just as you would go to traditional therapy, we ask our clients take our practice seriously. Sessions are similar in reverence to what you would engage with in a professional setting. The only difference is you're doing it from the comfort of your own home, no one else is watching, and you're learning to stand with yourself in your own personal power.

    TCC is not an open community. Meaning that there is no open space or place to share our lives (like on facebook or open forum). We are individuals who have come together for spiritual healing…not a community of individuals together. There is a difference and TCC fully engages the individualistic approach of healing. The “freeform” approach to open chatting that we’ve been involved with and seen in other groups creates too much intermingling of each of our own issues and whatnot that can be (and has proven in the past to be) detrimental in our individual healing processes due to lack of spiritual and emotional boundaries.

  • For starters, TCC is strictly a platform for facilitating a clients own ability to heal spiritually and move forward. TCC is not focused on teaching you anything…but you will end up learning different tips and techniques for ways to proceed on your journey.

    There is no open community where you can chat with members in a “freeform” kind of way. I feel that creates too much intermingling of each of our own issues and whatnot that can be detrimental in our healing processes.

  • You don’t need any previous experience! The only thing you need is an open mind. It helps if you’re able to visualize, imagine, or in some way create images in your minds-eye. All the journeys are completely guided—you won’t be left to just go at it alone. In the session notes on the calendar, there will be a short description of what we’ll be doing. Then, at the beginning of each session I go over it again and field if there are any questions before we begin.

    I fully believe and sink fully into first-hand experiences. The best way to explain what a regression or certain kind of meditation is, is to try it for yourself!

  • My goal and job is to facilitate a healing experience. These are the SAME meditations and journeys I do, daily, on my own. These methods were shared with me by my own spiritual counselors + healers, and now I’m sharing them with you. They are safe to engage with because they all focus on exploring your own inner landscape. Some clients don’t feel safe within themselves…and that’s a different story—but that is what this work can help you grow in too.

    You have to be mindful of your own personal intentions. Most…most…of what you think you’re calling in is already here. If anything, these practices will help lift those layers, gently, for you to come to terms with what’s around so that it can be released and move away from you.

  • You can only sign up if you schedule a free consultation with me first. I no longer allow people to join without having met with them first, and getting a good idea of where they are, what they’re looking for, and where they’re trying to be.

    Click here to schedule your free consultation.

    Prior to February 2022, you will be emailed a link for signing up if you have completed your consult.

    Starting in February 2022, you will be sent the sign up link during your consult.

  • I am capping the total number of clients. If you schedule your consultation (which you are still encouraged to do, and must do in order to get on the waitlist), but the max number of clients has already been reached, your name will be added to a waitlist. The waitlist is first come, first serve. You will be emailed when a spot opens up for you to join.


Client Work

  • All new clients must join TCC for a minimum of one month before I will see you individually.

    I want to know that the clients I work with are willing to make an effort to show up for themselves and participate in the work we will be doing together.

    I expect you to take a fully seated position at the table with me.

    This will also give me a good foundation for where you are, spiritually, and you’ll have had least least 3–4hrs of work completed from the month’s scheduled content—already starting you on your healing journey.

  • TCC is perfect for you! You still get access to my work + types of sessions I would offer you on an individual basis. Joining TCC will also give you access to smaller check-ins and me monitoring your journeywork—giving you a similar experience to solely individual session work.

    Clients who have special needs arise during their time in TCC will have work added into the monthly content to help/support/address those personal needs. If one needs it—so do we all.

  • If you’re a current (active) TCC client, you get one session with me for free each month you’re a member of TCC…

    …as long as you turn in your session notes for the month. TCC is supplemental to the larger healing work you’re doing individually. So, if you are doing individual work and Crow Conjuring sessions, you are able to unlock the free session as a bonus incentive and reward for working so hard.

    Recurring sessions with me start at $75 per hour.


Site Foundation

  • Nope! Your payment for the month covers entry to the guaranteed minimum 3 sessions, any additional content that is uploaded throughout the month, and additional sessions that are held. All sessions’ schedules are made public on the 1st of the month to our clients, and they are able to access the session details through the calendar linked on the member page.

  • No. The sole focus is providing a platform and sessions dedicated for deep soul transformation through live sessions (that are also offered for replay). Though learning from these sessions is a bonus! Ideally, first-hand experience will provide you with opportunities, insights, and direction towards new things or interests or areas of your healing journey to look at next.

  • It’s only a group because you are coming together, individually, to save on the cost of the sessions.

    No one needs to know you’re in TCC—it’s the way the group was designed. Unless you have your video on during our live sessions, people won’t see your face. There is a large amount of anonymity in the group if you so choose. Your spiritual journey is your own. And The Crow Conjuring is designed to be a safe space for you to be as you need. Your information is never shared outside the group. You don’t have to interact with other members of the group. Unless you tell people what you’re doing, no one will hear it from me.

  • TCC uses Zoom for all our sessions, and if you’re not already familiar with it, the link (once you click it) will prompt you to download a desktop (or phone app) version to access the live session. Each month, the Zoom links for sessions will be posted in the details for each individual session. The links also get sent out via text the afternoon before the session.

    Replays are available, generally, within a day of when the session takes place. Links are posted, and a text message sent out letting clients know where the replay is when it’s ready.

  • We are individuals together, not together as individuals. Just because the session is a “group” session does not mean you won’t pull great results from it. In fact, we’ve found that clients have had great success with these types of group offerings. When individuals come together for a common purpose, even though they’re all coming from different angles, it changes the depth of the energy conducted. Everyone is always more connected than they realize—and tapping into that connection as you come into a group session, as an individual, can help strengthen those connections.

  • Individual sessions are available at any time—provided you have been following along in the program for the month and submitting your session notes (more about that below). Individual sessions are available for additional costs. These sessions fall above and beyond the scope of what is offered and included in the month’s subscription fee. You can go to the “appointments” tab on my site and schedule a session when needed.


What’s Required + Participation

  • This does not mean you are required to attend the sessions live. I completely understand that not everyone will have different schedules and folx live in different time zones.

    Active participation means that you are not taking a passive stance in your work with the site. There will be a minimum of 3 sessions each month. Whether or not you attend them live, you are required to engage with each of the 3 sessions. Any sessions marked as “bonus” are optional, but obviously encouraged.

  • This does NOT mean that you need to write epic tales of each reflection of your sessions. This DOES mean that you must thoughtfully note major impressions, lasting feelings, significant revelations, guides’ names + descriptions, where you get stuck, where you get lost, etc.

    This is important for a few reasons. This helps you to process the work you’re doing. It helps to make sure you’re able to remember what happened during each session. It also helps me see that you are working and taking what I am offering to you seriously.

    “Bonus” sessions are not required to have notes turned in for it unless noted in the calendar for that particular offering.

  • Journaling can be tedious—I get it. However, especially in the beginning, it can get you in a great habit of documenting your journey. There are still things I read in my previous session notes that I don’t remember writing, things that are just memory refreshers, or areas where I see space to learn more.

    These only have to be turned in one time during the month. If you choose to complete your MIAs more than once, that’s awesome! However, it’s not necessary to turn it in past your first round.

  • I totally understand. However, part of the agreement when signing up is that you will be submitting these notes. I do not need heavy details. But, simple…”this was a quick journey and I learned a lot about xyz'“ isn’t going to cut it.

    I do not nor will I ever share any of your information with any outside party. This is a way for me to hold you accountable to your agreement to show up. This also lets you know that I am showing up for you.

    The notes allow me to see where you may be struggling, if additional work of the same kind is needed, or if supplemental sessions are necessary to deepen an experience or facet of your journey for any particular facet of life. If you don’t submit them, I cannot know that you are taking that active participation role that I am asking for.



  • You can only sign up if you schedule a free consultation with me first. I no longer allow people to join without having met with them first, and getting a good idea of where they are, what they’re looking for, and where they’re trying to be.

    Click here to schedule your free consultation.

    Prior to February 2022, you will be emailed a link for signing up if you have completed your consult.

    Starting in February 2022, you will be sent the sign up link during your consult.

  • No. At this time, there is only a recurring subscription option.

    You can sign up for a single month, then cancel your subscription before it renews.

    You can cancel your subscription at any time you’d like by following the unsubscribing directions below.

  • The day you sign up is the day you will be charged for each month’s transaction. So, if you sign up on the 13th, each month your payment will be processed on the 13th.

    However, if your credit card doesn’t go through in any particular month, the date you update or change your payment information will be your new payment date.

    There is some wiggle room for your charge date to be moved if there is an issue.

  • Clients who buy a subscription can view and manage their subscriptions from their Customer Account on SFSPIRIT.HOUSE, where you originally signed up. You will most likely have to access this on a desktop computer and not a phone/tablet device. Sign in to your account by clicking “sign in.” After signing in, click My account, and then Subscriptions.

    All subscriptions are listed in the Subscriptions section. Clients can click a subscription to view its details, including: the next order date, price, subscription frequency, order history, saved billing and shipping information.

    To manage subscriptions, customers can also click the Manage Subscription link in the order email. This opens a new tab or window where you can sign into your account.

  • Please know if you cancel before the end of the month is through there are no refunds or pro-rated refunds. If you do not want to be charged for the upcoming month, please cancel your subscription before it’s set to process.

    You can not pause your subscription. If you want to “pause” your subscription you must cancel it then resubscribe.

    You will most likely have to access this on a desktop computer and not a phone/tablet device. Sign in to your account by clicking “sign in.” After signing in, click My account, and then Subscriptions.

    To manage subscriptions, customers can also click the Manage Subscription link in the order email. This opens a new tab or window where you can sign into your account.

    To cancel the subscription, then click Cancel Subscription. In the confirmation window, click Cancel Subscription.

  • No. If you need to skip a month or want to pause your subscription, you’ll need to cancel your subscription and resubscribe when you’re ready to pick it back up in the future.

    If you cancel your subscription, you do not need to schedule another consultation to get back in. You’ll already be a “current client.”


The Uncomfy Bits

  • The hard truth is that it’s not my problem or responsibility when you don’t do your work or want to leave the group.

    It’s none of my business. I need zero, nor will I accept any, explanations for why your notes haven’t been submitted, not attending the sessions, or want to leave the group. While it can be unfair that I ask and expect you to work the way I do, because TCC is a reflection of my work and what I do, that’s what I end up asking. Not everyone is going to vibe and I don’t take it personally.

    I do not get to slack on my work. And that’s where I am with my clients in TCC. You will be checked on, and you will be expected to work as hard as I would, and I would for you.

  • Clients will receive a max of 3 warnings. Warnings will be given for clients who may be in danger of being removed from the group due to disrespectful or harassing behavior, leaking site content, or being unable to maintain subscription fees.

    Clients that do not submit session notes in agreement with the required active participation may also be removed at my discretion.

    Refunds may be issued at my discretion. This would depend on the individual’s active participation level and the length of time deemed “inactive”.

  • No prior notice will be given to someone who is removed from the group. You will receive a confirmation of cancellation for your subscription. There will not be any refunds given.

    At any time I reserve the right to remove any client(s) from The Crow Conjuring community. If I feel a client is being disrespectful, harassing myself or other members, causing unnecessary tension, leaking site content to nonmembers, or unable to maintain their subscription fees they may be removed from the group.

    Clients that do not submit session notes in agreement with the required active participation may also be removed.

    Know, this is not an action I take lightly. Removal is only executed as a last resort. Everyone deserves to have a safe and risk-free space to unfold. Refunds are not guaranteed, but may be considered on a one by one basis.